Sentinel’s Build to Rent Plans in Australia and the Future of Australian Housing

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Roden Street apartment
Artist rendering of Sentinel’s 172-unit Build to Rent redevelopment of the historic Briscoe & Company building on Roden Street in West Melbourne.

Sentinel's President Michael Streicker was recently interviewed for The Australian Financial Review regarding our Australian properties and future development plans.

Australia is currently facing a considerable housing shortage, particularly in the rental market, and Build to Rent shows promise as a potential solution to the problem. The progress of our property in Melbourne that is currently under construction and the success of our properties in Subiaco are of particular interest as renters discover the benefits of the Build to Rent model and Build to Sell developments stall due to a number of disruptions in that sector. As an early mover in the market, Sentinel's success illustrates the potential of Build to Rent as a viable alternative to the fragmented rental market that has existed in the country to date.

Read the full article on The Australian Financial Review here:

Since 2011, Sentinel Real Estate Corporation has been investigating the apartment rental market and laying the foundations for the launch of our Build to Rent model for residential communities in Australia. Learn more about Sentinel's Build to Rent.

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